Mission Statement

Planting trees for sustainabilityAt Print House we recognise our responsibility for providing clients with a quality product while being able to assure that we are reducing our impact on the environment and operating a safe facility for our employees.
We are committed to responsible management that provides quality, sustainability and waste reduction by implementing best practice methods throughout our facility.
This is a prerequisite for all facets of our business operation and our aim is to not only comply with all lawful standards but to establish ourselves as leaders in setting better standards within the printing industry.
Responsibility lies with management and each and every employee to ensure best practice methods, environmental initiatives, waste management and health and safety policies set within company procedures are adhered to and improved where possible.
Our internal procedures include the monitoring, reduction and recycling of production waste and to ensure best practice methods are adhered to throughout our operation. Recycling of our paper waste, chemicals and production by-products is a standard procedural component of our prepress, printing and finishing operation.
Environmental sustainability requires activities to only use nature’s resources at a rate, which they can be replenished easily, with the ultimate aim to ensure renewable capacity to meet further activity. The preference is to use papers that have a ‘Chain of Custody’ certification, a recycled content, along with the use of vegetable oil based inks and non toxic chemicals and cleaners.
The shareholders, directors and employees must all consider with equal importance the financial, social and environmental issues that will sustain and grow the business – Print House.
We will continue to improve and advance our best practice methods while educating our employees on quality standards and environmental policies with the aim to lessen our impact on the environment further and to assure clients that the use of paper and products sourced from ‘renewable’ or ‘recycled’ sources is the first and best consideration.
In essence we are a sustainable, responsibly managed business entity that is dedicated to reducing our impact on the environment while producing quality products and solutions for our clients.
‘We are taking the right steps towards making a difference’!